
Attendance of the 18th Conference on Animal Production in Zaragoza

The results of 2 research projects carried out under the ARDI project were presented at the 18thConference on Animal Production organised by the AIDA (Interprofessional Association for Rural Development).

Itsasne Granado Tajada, who is doing her doctorate thesis at Neiker-Tecnalia under the guidance of Eva Ugarte, presented the results related to the consanguinity estimation and effective census of the dairy Latxa Black Face ovine breed population in the Basque Country; followed by Fernando Macedo, who is doing his doctorate thesis at the INRA (National Institute for Agrarian Reform) under the guidance of Andrés Legarra and presented the results related to use of the LR method in simulations to estimate genetic gain and dispersion using wrong heritability.

The reports with detailed information on each of the aforementioned theses can be consulted via the following links:

Consanguinity and effective census of the dairy Latxa Black Face ovine breed population: http://www.aida-itea.org/aida-itea/files/jornadas/2019/Comunicaciones/2019_Gen_08.pdf

LR Method simulations: genetic gain and dispersion using wrong heritability: http://www.aida-itea.org/aida-itea/files/jornadas/2019/Comunicaciones/2019_Gen_24.pdf

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