A commitment to for the conservation of the autochthonous

pyrenean dairy sheep breeds


Ardi2 Project

Dairy sheep farming has undeniable economic, social, and environmental value in the Spanish and French Pyrenees. The exploitation of native sheep breeds such as Latxa and Manech has been separated over time by geographical and administrative barriers, leading to the implementation of independent genetic improvement programs at different rates.

In the previous project, ARDI, we worked on the unification of breeding programs and methodologies, and as a result, an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping), ARTALDEAN, was created between farmers on both sides of the border. Within ARDI2, we will give it content that will make it a reference in the implementation of improvement programs in the territory. The results of ARDI2 will strengthen the dairy sheep farming sector on both sides of the border and will allow sheep farmers and the territory to benefit from improved competitiveness of the Latxa and Manech breeds.


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Events and news

Launch of the ARDI2 project

24/06/2024 See more

Genetic improvement to conserve and protect milk production of Latxa, Manech and Basco-Bearnesa sheep.

04/10/2021 See more

Ardi project: presentation of results

17/09/2021 See more

Advancing towards the final stage of Ardi

19/05/2021 See more
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