
4th ARDI project follow-up meeting

The 4th ARDI project follow-up meeting was held in Maule on 11th October to assess the progress and specifically revise actions 3 and 6, i.e. strengthening the genetic connections and setup of a common Management Body for the genetic improvement programmes.

Regarding the strengthening of connections, 1864 doses of MTR and 497 of MTN have already been administered to a total of 20 and 5 flocks respectively. Furthermore, the 2 insemination centres (ARDIEKIN and OSKOTZ) have included a total of 17 lambs. South Basque Country controllers have also paid visits to check the North Basque Country milk control and vice versa; in addition a meeting between farmers and technicians from both areas was arranged to visit the Oskotz AI centre and some of the LCN_NA farms

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