Legal notice

In compliance with the regulations on Personal Data Protection, please be advised that the personal data you provide us with by filling in any of the forms available on the website shall be incorporated into files and processes for which NEIKER is responsible, the purposes for which include:

  • Managing data collected on forms on the website,
  • Carrying out communication actions on any event and responding queries and suggestions,
  • Sending out all kinds of publications related to the company’s activity.
  • Enrolling people interested in a course or some other training activity
  • Carrying out surveys on the prospects for the sector… and on the quality of the services we offer.
  • Managing contacts for commercial communication actions.

Please be informed that your personal data may be transferred to organisations in compliance with a legal regulation, or to companies collaborating with NEIKER with which it has agreements and/or arrangements so that you can receive information and benefit from them.

For all of the purposes indicated, the legitimacy for processing data is the consent of the person concerned, as expressed by accepting the privacy policy and filling in and sending the form.

We will not be able to deal with your request without your consent. These data will be kept for an indefinite period of time, as long as you do not express your opposition.

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, suppression, portability, cancellation and revocation of the consent given, by sending a written copy of your ID card to the postal address or the e-mail address:

You may also submit your complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency if your rights are not respected.


1.- General information.-

This website is the property of NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, located at Campus Agroalimentario de Arkaute, Apdo 46 E-01080 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba) Tel.: +34 945 121 313 – Fax : +34 945 281 422, with tax ID number: A-48167902 and registered at the Bizkaia Commercial Register in Volume 1,437 in Section 3 of Book 966.

By using this website, it will be deemed that you have read, understood and accepted, with no limitations or reservations, the conditions of use set out in this Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy that is available to you on this website and which we expressly recommend you to read, the use of which constitutes the express and full acceptance of both the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy in the version published at the time of access, without prejudice to the specific conditions or terms of use that may apply in respect of certain specific services on the website, the prior acceptance of which will be a prerequisite for access to such services.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Legal Notice, please do not use the website, because, we reiterate, using it implies acceptance of the legal terms contained in both the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy.

NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO reserves the right to change the terms and conditions that appear on this website, as well as expand the contents, information, etc. at any time without prior notice and, therefore, advises users to visit at reasonable intervals in case any modifications have been made.

1.2.- Language.-

If we translate this Legal Notice, our privacy policy or any other usage regulations, policies and procedures that may be published on this website from time to time, if there is a conflict between the Spanish version and a translated version, the Spanish version shall prevail.

2.- Commercial communications and advertising content.

NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO hereby informs users that, in accordance with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on information society and electronic commerce services, it will send them information by e-mail on the company’s services and activities. If you do not wish to receive electronic communications about our products, services and activities, please send us an e-mail to

Advertising: The website may contain advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with applicable laws and consents. The owner of the website shall not be liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that advertising or sponsored content may contain. Nor shall it be liable for any damages as a result of any sensitivity that advertising material or other material may cause to users of or visitors to the website.

3.- Intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

The owner of the content and elements that make up this website is NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, with the intellectual and industrial property and, in particular, all of the source codes, text, images, design, logos, software, animations, databases, trademarks, trade names and symbols, sounds and other graphic or sound elements on the pages of the website therefore also belonging to it. This is not a closed list but for illustrative purposes only and these elements are adequately protected in accordance with Spanish and international laws on intellectual and industrial property.

The user agrees to use the contents in a diligent and proper manner, in accordance with the law, morality and public order. NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO  authorises users to view information contained on this website and to make private copies (simple activity of downloading and storing on their computer systems), as long as the items are intended solely for personal use or for journalistic purposes, provided that, in both cases, its integrity is respected and that the original source is identified as being this website belonging to NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, with any kind of biased use or use which is contrary to its nature being expressly forbidden.

The use of website content and its distribution, modification, transfer to third parties, reproduction, transformation or public communication by any means and technology beyond the purposes expressly set forth in the preceding paragraph is prohibited, requiring the express prior consent of NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO to do so, with any action contrary to this text constituting a breach of the rules relating to the rights of intellectual and industrial property.

However, the use of this website is allowed, provided that its integrity is respected and that the original source is identified as being this website belonging to NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, with any kind of biased use or use which is contrary to its nature being expressly forbidden.

NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO reserves the right to take any legal actions in defence of its rights.

4.- Passwords and private area

In those cases in which the user is sent an identifier and/or password for access to certain services, he or she must keep them under his or her exclusive responsibility in the strictest and most absolute confidentiality and secrecy, and safeguard, use and preserve them in a diligent manner, with their passing on to third parties being expressly prohibited and the user being responsible and, therefore, liable for any harmful consequences that may arise both for the owner of the website and other users from so doing.  In the event of theft, loss or unauthorised use of or access to the identifier and/or password, the user must immediately notify NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO so that it can adopt the appropriate measures, with the user being liable for any damages that may be caused to NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO and other users as a result of late communication.

Under no circumstances shall NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO be liable for any repercussions that may arise regarding personal data from any attacks or unauthorised access to the systems that are impossible to detect by the security measures implemented, even when it is due to a lack of diligence by a registered user regarding the safeguarding and keeping of their access password or their own personal data.

5.- Security.-

On this website we use the HTTPS (SSL) Protocol to establish a secure communication channel between the server and the user for sending their personal data. Providing this service via a secure server means ensuring the confidentiality of the information exchanged between the user’s computer and the server, as a connection is established between them using the SSL protocol, which prevents access by third parties to the information sent.


  1. a) General.

The interest of NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO is for this website to work as effectively as possible and to meet the purpose for which it was created, but it is not responsible for any typographical, formal or numerical errors that the website may contain, the accuracy of the information contained in it or any possible malfunctions or anomalies in its operation.

NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO does not guarantee that the website and server are free of viruses and it will not be liable for any damage caused by accessing the website or the inability to access it.

The user undertakes to use this website faithfully and legitimately pursuant to the laws and customs of trading; the user also undertakes not to carry out any conduct that may damage the image, interests or rights of NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO or third parties or that may damage, disable, overload or prevent the normal use of this website.

NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO reserves the right to change the terms and conditions that appear on this website, as well as expand the contents, information, etc. at any time without prior notice and, therefore, advises users to visit at reasonable intervals in case any modifications have been made. You must read any new legal notices and conditions of use of the website that may be incorporated. Otherwise you must refrain from using and accessing it, with NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, which reserves the right to suspend and terminate access to the content of the website and the services provided from it, declining all liability.

  1. b) Links and hyperlinks.

This website may provide a link or access to other third party resources or websites that we believe may be of interest to you or are necessary to provide some of the services on our websites, but in no event are such websites controlled by us.

The purpose of such links may be to facilitate the search for resources that may be of interest to you via the Internet or the management of certain services on the website owned by NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO such as submitting CVs and/or registering for job offers, in order to carry out personnel selection processes managed by NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO

However, these websites do not belong to NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO, nor does it review their content and, therefore, it cannot be responsible for them or any services, where provided, that appear and/or are available on these sites, for the operation of linked pages, their use and treatment of data, any possible infringements that, where appropriate, they may commit or any possible damages that may arise from accessing or using them. The existence of a link does not imply the existence of a relational link between NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO and persons or entities that own this content or sites where it can be found.

Therefore, NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO does not assume any type of responsibility in relation to the linked sites and is not responsible for their operation, content and services hosted on them or possible links contained on those linked sites.

We strongly recommend that you read the relevant legal notices and, in particular, the privacy policies for these pages before entering your personal data on them and, if in doubt, we recommend that you contact these sites directly to obtain more information about their privacy policies.

If the user becomes aware of any unlawfulness or inadequacy of the content, services or any other activities carried out through a linked site, he or she must immediately inform NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO so that, where necessary, it can adopt the measures it deems appropriate.

It is expressly forbidden to present a page from the website on another site that does not belong to  NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO (by means of the technique known as “framing” or any other for the same or similar purposes), or insert any content type disseminated through h on a website other than this one by means of a technique known as “in line linking”, or any other for the same or similar purposes, without the express consent of NEIKER-TECNALIA, INSTITUTO VASCO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO AGRARIO

By using this website, we consider that the user has read this document carefully and has understood and followed its advice. If the user does not agree with this data protection policy or with the advice given in it, please do not use our website.

6.- Jurisdiction and competence.-

In the event of conflict or dispute with regard to the interpretation of these conditions, and any issue related to the services of this website, Spanish jurisdiction and regulations will apply, while the competent courts will be those of Bilbao.

Uso de cookies

Esta web utiliza "cookies" propias y de terceros para ofrecerte una mejor experiencia y servicio. Al navegar o utilizar nuestros servicios, aceptas el uso que hacemos de las "cookies". Sin embargo, puedes cambiar la configuración de "cookies" en cualquier momento.
